
Non ditelo a mia madre
Don't let my mother know

Don’t let my mother know
The work tells about an impossible journey made by the author to find her father, suffering from Alzheimer's, on the planet Musa 23 (MUnari SAra). A metaphor about the inability to communicate and the emotional loss of loved ones, when they suffer from such complicated diseases. The journey will end with the detachment from the extraterrestrial (her father) that she have to leave on the planet, as happens for the disease that has no possibility of improvement.
She works for Rasa instead of for NASA (Rational Aeronautics and Space Administration) because everything is irrational and Rasa is Sara on the contrary. The author, now elderly, can tell everything about her discoveries. The ironic choice of the approach is linked to the father, a very sociable and imaginative person, that was a lover of everything related to space and the possibility of the existence of other forms of life.
The work ends with the possibility that everything could have been a dream and not real, but in the author's room, when she wake up, she found photographs that prove the opposite.
The work is accompanied by a video with footage of the planet demonstrating the journey. The work is presented in form of an old worn and rediscovered archive, handmade. The exhibits are created with photos and fake documents around, which tell the story. The choice of title is due to the fact that if my mother discoveres this story, she will think I’m crazy, so, better not tell her. Everything you see in the images is real.

Let me introduce myself and tell you my story. My name is Sara Munari and I was born in 1930 in Milan, Italy. The following year my parents migrated to New York. When I was 18 and, sort of accidentally, I started working for the American Space Agency, whose name at the time was NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics). Founded in 1915, Naca was set up to manage and supervise the scientific studies related to “aeronautics”.
In 1958, my team at NACA founded NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) the government agency responsible for the US space program and aerospace research. In 1959 I established a dedicated unit internally identified as RASA (standing for Rational Aeronautics and Space Administration, and my name’s acronym as well) in charge of supervising files of unusual phenomena with scientific evidence of their existance (characteristic which ultimately inspired the name of the unit “Rational”)
I am a so called “shadow agent” and, as such, my name, along with the existence of the RASA, never appeared in any file of the Agency. After several studies I personally conducted, until today undisclosed and categorised as secret files, I can finally make public the discovery of the life on another planet, which I named MUSA 23. The inhabitants are humanoids and I have always had contacts only with one of them: I called him X23. I have been on Musa 23 several times. I’m 88 years old and I’m fully capable of consent. After what you are going to read and see in this document, you will have no doubt about their existance. Finally I can make public all my findings.

Anno produzione: 2017
Numero opere: 73 elementi
Numero stampe fotografiche: 50
Numero stampe documenti: 23
Realizzazione foto e video: Sara Munari
Durata video: 5 minuti 20 secondi
Musica video: “Infinite Wonder” By Kevin Macleod (Public Domain)
Traduzioni inglese: Anna Brenna

Note: tutto quello che vedete nelle fotografie è reale. Lavoro composto da video e documenti. Il lavoro è disponibile in 5 copie singole fatte a mano, per informazioni, contattare Sara Munari.

moreDontletmymotherknow.mp4 (11.9 MB)

Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know
Non ditelo a mia madre<br>Don't let my mother know

18 images | slideshow

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